Definisi Conditional Sentences
Conditional Sentences merupakan kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan pengandaian suatu peristiwa yang belum terjadi atau bahkan tidak mungkin terjadi. Kalimat pengandaian ini memiliki beberapa bentuk yang mewakili beragam bentuk waktu, dengan kata lain, bentuk kalimat pengandaian ini akan tergantung pada bentuk waktu peristiwa yang diandaikan. Berikut ini merupakan beberapa pola Conditional Sentences.
1. Conditional Sentence Type I: true in the present time
Fungsi: untuk mengungkapkan rencana (plan), nasehat (advice), atau suatu kemungkinan (possibility/probability)
Rumus Conditional
1. IF + S + Present Tense, S + Future Tense
- If it doesn’t rain, I will go shopping.
- If you don't have breakfast, you'll be hungry.
- If you go to university, you'll have to prepare everything from now.
- If I have a lot of money, I will buy a new car.
Real Condition : It will probably rain or not, so I will probably go shopping or not.
Penggunaan kata kerja:
- If clause menggunakan kata kerja bentuk present, baik simple present atau present continuous.
- Expectation clause menggunakan auxiliary 'will' atau 'can' + Verb1.
2. Conditional Sentence Type II: untrue in the present time
Fungsi: untuk mengungkapkan khayalan (imagination) atau angan-angan belaka.
Rumus Conditional 2
2. If + S + Past Tense, S + Past Future
- If the price of gasoline were only Rp 50,- I would be very happy.
- If I were you, I would take the money.
- If I had a lot of money, I would lend you some
- If you came home earlier, I would make you a cake.
Real Condition : You don’t come home earlier, So I don’t make a cake for you.
Penggunaan kata kerja:
- If clause menggunakan kata kerja bentuk past tense.
- Expectation clause menggunakan auxiliary 'would' atau 'could' + Verb1.
3. Conditional Sentence Type III: untrue in the past time
Fungsi: untuk mengungkapkan penyesalan (regret) tentang suatu hal, atau persoalan yang terlanjur terjadi di masa lalu.
Rumus Conditional 3
3. If + s + Past Perfect, S + Future Past Perfect
- If I had met Rosa before I met Nira, I could have married her
- If my mother had given me money, I could have bought a car.
- If you had studied hard, you would have passed the exam.
- If I had watched TV last night, I would have seen my girlfriend.
Real condition : you didn’t study hard, so you didn’t pass the exam
Penggunaan kata kerja:
- If clause menggunakan kata kerja bentuk past perfect (had + Verb3)
- Expectation clause menggunakan auxiliary 'would have' atau 'could have' + Verb3.